Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Dear Susan,

Last night, I watched 5 episodes back-to-back of Gossip Girl.  Today, the following conversation happened in my classroom.

Student:  Miss, why didn't anyone like The Great Gatsby when it first came out?   I mean, if people think it's one of the best books now, why didn't anyone realize how good it was then?

Me:  Great question!  I think it has something to do with the fact that it was so current.  People couldn't quite appreciate or find entertainment in their own behaviors and flaws.  Has anyone seen Gossip Girl?  I think we can make a connection to that tv show.

Student:  Really?  You think The Great Gatsby is like Gossip Girl?  I don't even understand -- Gossip Girl is not really great literature.

Me:  Yeah, I'm not sure where I am going with that one either.  Let's just move on to a new question.

Oops -- hope your Tuesday attempt to succeed at your job goes better than mine!


1 comment:

  1. I love how your kids called you out on Gossip Girl not being great literature...it does make an addictive tv show, though. I do love it so.
